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Let’s Review 

As a group, discuss what you learned from last week’s study and application. Share your praise reports too!

  • What was the main thing you learned from the study “Are We Crazy?”
  • Were you able to remain verbally quiet during a conflict last week? What happened?
  • What thoughts and feelings did you have as you did this?
  • What did you learn about yourself from observing your marital Crazy Cycles?

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Group Time

Let’s Talk

  1. Share your view of God. Does your view change with your circumstances?
  2. If you’ve had an “illuminating moment” as Emerson did, share with the group.
  3. What do you think of this statement: “God loves you too much to let you stay there”? If you are a parent, share your insight as a compassionate Mom who loves her children too much to allow them to stay in disobedience. 
  4. In Lisa’s letter, she confessed to having no desire to even venture in the direction of respecting a man she didn’t think loved her. So what made her do it?
  5. What were the 3 fears that most women experience as they enter this journey of learning to respect? A few of you share how you identify with those fears.
  6. John, the apostle of love, says the Lord’s commandments are not burdensome. Discuss the impact of that and how it relates to the command in Ephesians 5:33 for wives to respect their husbands.
  7. Emerson shared how he made a decision to begin to trust that God loves him, regardless of his feelings. Discuss what that process might look like – to accept love when we don’t “feel” love.
  8. Why is trust in God important as a foundation for love?

Personal Time

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This week at home, take time to read and meditate on this material which reinforces the video content you just heard in group. Prayerfully apply the questions and assignments to your personal situation.

Who Does God Think He Is?

On the video, Emerson reads the following letter from Lisa:

I vividly remember being so excited to read the secret of marriage from Ephesians 5:33. I then became despaired at the awareness that there was no way I could pull that off. None. “Let’s be real,” I thought, “Are you kidding me?” I knew what I was “supposed to do” but I had no desire to even venture a step in that direction. Why would I have to humble myself and open myself to even more pain? Why did I have to work on this marriage alone? What about my husband…does he get off scott free? Terrific. My situation seemed hopeless. My attitude was not enthusiastic and I did not even see how I could show respect to a man who I felt did not love me.

So what made me do it? I used to think God was indifferent to me. He loved me because He was supposed to, because the Bible says so. I had the opinion that He was too busy with greater things to think about like world hunger and countries at war. My view of Him was limited but I knew He could do something. I wasn’t sure He would, but I knew enough about Him that He could. It was my last ditch effort.

Although Lisa felt desperate, she had a basic faith that God was able to help her. She decided to give Him a try…and her marriage eventually was restored by applying the radical principles of respect. We will hear more about her testimony in Session 5, but here’s the point: You are more likely to step out in faith when you have a foundation of trust. Lisa found that God was completely trustworthy, in spite of her fears.

We asked you to identify your fears as you began this study on respect. On the video for this week, Emerson summarized the fears that most women express as the primary reasons they hesitate to take this step towards respect.

We understand that each of these fears is real. The fear of emotional hurt and pain holds many of us back because we have already experienced pain in our marriage. We don’t want to subject ourselves to even more emotional pain. We feel vulnerable.

I Can't; It's Foolish

On the video, Emerson clarified that we are not talking about physical pain. He saw his own Dad attempt to strangle his Mom, resulting in her leaving the marriage for a time of separation. (See Appendix B in the back of this study guide. If you are in harm’s way, talk to a professional and get help immediately.)

Others of you feel like this idea of respecting a man is completely foolish. In fact, you may be thinking this is a bad idea! Certainly it is counter-intuitive and counter-cultural. Our culture tells us men don’t deserve respect…they must earn it…and if you don’t feel respect for your husband you would be hypocritical to show it! Not to mention feeding the male ego and narcissism! Yes, this does feel foolish because it’s so contrary to your nature, especially when you are feeling unloved. This is why it’s a command. But would a loving, all-wise God ask you to do something that’s foolish? John, the apostle of love, said His commandments are not burdensome. He’s not going to command us to do something that’s foolish. He’s too wise for that.

Some of you may be kind of excited about this idea and really want to do it, but you’re afraid you can’t. What if you fail? Worse yet, what if you try it and your husband doesn’t respond? You’ve been on the crazy cycle so long, you feel incapable of getting off and you lack the energy to try.

Well, we can tell you that you will fail…we all do. But did you know God is all-powerful? He’s not going to ask you to do something he doesn’t help you to do! He wants to help you! James says you have not, because you ask not. You can ask Him to help you.

Notice what Lisa concluded. She needed to come to a point where she trusted God to respond to her cries for help. It’s ok to bring your brokenness…your feelings…and say, “Lord, I can’t do this. Lord, have mercy upon me.” The Holy Spirit is called the Helper because we need His help!

With God's Help

Do you believe there is a God who really loves you and wants to help you like both Lisa and Emerson experienced? Or is your view of God limited? Does your opinion of Him come from a lack of experience with Him? Do the characteristics of your earthly father affect how you see your Heavenly Father? Some of us have had great earthly Dads that represent God the Father beautifully. Others have not. We need to understand that our feelings, experiences, and thoughts are not the true or complete nature of God.

Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 to illustrate the nature of God. This is often considered the greatest short story ever told. In this story, Jesus is describing His Father. Read the story in Luke 15:11-31, focusing on the characteristics of the father. In verse 20, when his father sees him from a distance, he felt compassion.

Is this too good to be true? Do you understand that God feels compassion for you, no matter what you have done or what your circumstances may be? Can you begin to trust that God feels love for you even when you don’t feel that love?

When we grasp who God really is, we can take our focus off our fears of failure, pain, and foolishness and focus on the Father who feels compassion for us. Remember, He knows what He’s doing. We understand that He is not out to harm us, but what He asks us to do as wives is out of His heart to protect us, guide us, equip and empower us. Yes, there will be moments when your feelings tell you that this isn’t where you want to go. So why should you go there? Because He loves you! And He knows what He’s doing.

Ponder This

May we suggest that you are facing a crisis of faith more than you are facing a crisis in your marriage? Stop here. We ask you again, could this be a crisis of faith more than a marriage crisis? If we really understand who God is and what He says He will do, we can trust Him to take care of us.

Who does God think He is? He’s God! A God who loves you…and is wise…and is powerful…and can heal. Now you need to step out in faith and say I’m going to trust Him…because if you don’t have that, you’re going to quit.

Let’s Do This!

*1. This week, to show respect to your husband, find something to thank him for. And yes, you can find something! This will be easier for some of you than others. But look for the small things. This is a simple way to show respect. Examples: Providing for the family, working around the house, putting gas in the car, spending time with the kids, etc.

2. Which of the following fears that Emerson addressed on the video resonate with you? Check all that apply.

  • Fear of emotional pain
  • Fear of looking foolish
  • Fear of failure

3. The best picture we have of God is found in the Bible. Read the following characteristics of God out loud every day in the upcoming week. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ (Romans 10:17), so as you hear who God is, your faith in Him will increase. This is also a form of praising God. Thank Him for who He is.

Scripture Tells Us:

  • God is faithful (Deuteronomy 32:4)
  • God is forgiving (Nehemiah 9:17)
  • He loved me first (1 John 4:19)
  • He’s my stronghold in times of trouble (Psalm 9:9)
  • God comforts me (Isaiah 66:13; Jeremiah 8:18)
  • He is love (1 John 4:8; 1 John 4:16)
  • He is peace (Judges 6:24)
  • He heals (Exodus 15:26)
  • God loves us with great love (Ephesians 2:4)
  • He’s my provider (Genesis 22:14)
  • He’s my helper (Psalm 118:7)
  • He’s my strong deliverer (Psalm 140:7)
  • He shows loving-kindness (Exodus 20:6)
  • God is great and mighty (Jeremiah 32:18)
  • He is able to do more than I can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)
  • He is compassionate (2 Corinthians 1:3)
  • Love is from God (1 John 4:7)
  • He will keep me from stumbling (Jude 1:24)
  • God is my Rock (Psalm 28:1)
  • He’s my refuge in times of trouble (Psalm 59:16)
  • He’s my redeemer (Isaiah 47:4)
  • God loves the world (John 3:16)

What scriptures will you focus on? Write them out on cards to carry with you throughout the week.

4. Describe how you see God in your life. Will you make a decision to trust that God loves you even when you don’t feel it?

Let’s Reflect

Write a prayer asking God to reveal more about His nature to you. Invite God into your situation and ask Him to give you the faith to change your beliefs and behavior. Be honest with Him and trust Him with your apprehensions.

Praise Report

Keep track of any positive changes in your life and/or marriage, no matter how small. Consider sharing them with the group next week.

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Who Does God Think He Is? Testimony from Anonymous

My Miracle!

In a nutshell - here is my story. I have been married 14 years now. For about 5-6 years, I was a REALLY ungodly wife. I didn't cheat but that is about all I did right. I was caught up in ME.

About 15 months ago, I came to a place that the Lord got ahold of me. He opened my eyes and my heart. For the first time in my life I was dedicated to my Lord and to obeying Him. At this same time, my husband began an emotional affair…he felt he did not love me, and was not sure he ever did. He wanted to be with her, and the only thing really keeping him with me was his commitment to the Lord.

I have gotten so much closer to HIM, and have learned so much about Him, about myself, and what it means to be a Godly wife. I would not ask to go back and relive that - but I am thankful for it.

My purpose in writing is not to dwell on all that. It is to say this - miracles happen and God answers prayers!! Even when you feel like giving up hope - listen to the Lord and do what he tells you to do! A week ago, my husband sat me down, and told me that he was staying with me until death do us part, that he was re dedicating himself to the Lord and to our marriage and that he was going to do what the Lord was telling him to do - and follow HIM. That he did love me, and that together we would work through this and use our lives to honor the Lord.

I can't tell you how many hours I spent in prayer - and how many hours I spent in hopeless tears. There were so many times I almost gave up. The only thing that kept me going was the Lord. I felt He was telling me to obey HIM, and to STAY. Was this easy? No way - not only because my heart was hurting, but because there were so many that were telling me to leave. Christian "friends,” forums I was a part of, even a Christian counselor, all telling me that I had reason to leave and I was foolish to stay. I was called stupid, spineless, a doormat, and a wimp (and those were the NICE things). And yet I told them - I feel like the Lord would have me stay, and until He releases me I am staying.

It was not easy. There were times my heart and soul hurt so bad I thought I would die. But I stayed. And God honored my desire to learn to treat my husband with RESPECT - because the Lord told me to - not just when he deserved it. And God honored my obedience to Him, my marriage, and my husband, when it seemed like foolishness. He heard my prayers - and He answered in His time - which is perfect timing. We don't see it that way a lot of the time - but God's ways are not our ways - and they are perfect.

The road ahead of us will not be without bumps. He still has to resolve his feelings for someone else. And I have to learn to trust him again and to get over much insecurity. But...I want to say to you who might be struggling, God HEARS - and he answers. It might not be what we want to hear - and it might not happen the way we think it should. Sometimes it is just a matter of doing what He tells us to do - not because it feels good, but because HE TOLD US TO. Love and Respect is the key with one added thing - OBEDIENCE. Put those altogether and you WILL be in God's will.

God has done a miracle in my life, and I give Him all the praise and the Glory. Do not be afraid - He is with you and will not forsake you!

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